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We are Hannah and Ashley, Social Studies Methods students studying the topic of food safety or more specifically meat production. We became interested in the topic when discussing the different current event topics that are found in the news. As consumers of many meat based products, we wanted to uncover the details of meat production and the food safety related to it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hannah's Interview

Hannah's Interview and Reflection

Name of person interview: Nicholas, my fiance, Boston electrician

Q: Is food safety, meat production in particular, a current event topic that you find important?
Absolutely, because meat is apart of almost every meal I think it is something that is very important.  Without proper food safety for the production of our meat people could get really sick.  Bad meat could be a serious health problem without proper inspection of the meat to be sure that it is ready for consumption.

Q: Do you think that others in our community would think that this is an important problem?
Yes, well they should.  This kind of problem is something that people should be worried about because it involve the safety of their health as well as their family's health.  I think if people knew more about food safety and meat production they would be a little more cautious of what they were eating.

Q: What policy, if any, does the government now have to deal with this problem?
I' am not sure of any besides the USDA, but I believe that they just sign bills and regulate the laws regarding the meat.

Q: Since I have informed you of the new nationwide policy that the USDA is trying to pass for poultry inspection, do you believe that there are any advantages to this policy?
I don't see how there could be any.  The chicken isn't going to get inspected because the factory workers are not going to care.  More chemicals just means that they are treating the bad meat that gets missed because the lines speed up.

Q: What are the disadvantages?
I think I said most of them.  But the factory workers do not care to add on an extra job to their work day, so who is to say that they are even going to be doing what the USDA says that they have to.  I think that more people are going to get sick and we will just see the news flashing with health risks from bad meat.

Q: Do you believe there is any way they could improve this policy before they try to pass this new policy?
There is no way to improve that policy besides not even trying to pass it.  There is just going to be more bad meat in the grocery story which means our population is going to get sick.  The factories, and apparently the USDA, don't care about the health of the community they just care about production and how much money they can make.

After conducting my interview, it only convinced me more that this kind of new policy that the USDA is trying to create is something that will affect our entire nation.  One thing that I really learned from my interview is that most people have no idea about new policies that are being created because they are never really announced to the public.  Although Nicholas said that he believed that food safety, more importantly meat production, is something that he believes is important and that the community should be informed as well as find this topic important.  Yet, when I asked about policies put in place regarding this issue, he had not idea.  In order to find this kind of information you have to do some digging on the internet, which people in today's society just do not have time for.  I believe that I learned that the problem with food safety and the production of  meat is that no one really knows about it, or cares enough to dig for information about the food that they consume on a daily basis.  I believe that my interviewee is correct, there is no good way to improve that kind of policy other than keeping the one that is already in place.  The only thing that will come from a new policy such as this one is loss of jobs and an increase in health risks.  If a policy like this could affect everyone that consumes meat, shouldn't the community be more informed?

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